Funeral Scheme

Our Synagogue operates a Burial Cremation and Funeral Expenses Scheme for its members. Scheme entitlement is normally included as part of membership unless members have opted out.

The Scheme provides for burial in one of Liberal Judaism’s cemeteries, currently Edgwarebury or Cheshunt, or for a cremation at the Hoop Lane Crematorium, Golders Green or GreenAcres Chiltern Park, Beaconsfield. The Scheme also meets the cost of a basic funeral provided by the Liberal Judaism undertaker (in certain circumstances additional charges are payable). Liberal Judaism has updated FAQs relating to GreenAcres Chiltern Park, our new woodland burial site, which can be found here.

The rules of the Scheme are available here. A list of the most common surcharges which are not covered by the Scheme is available here.

In the event of a death, if a relative or friend has died and they were included in the Scheme, please notify Ronnie King of King’s Funeral Directors, Liberal Judaism’s undertakers — please note that no other undertaker should be instructed. Ronnie can be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including Bank Holidays and Jewish Festivals (see contact details below). Ronnie will inform our Rabbis as soon as is practicable and he will liaise with the officiating Rabbi, the family and the cemetery or crematorium to arrange the funeral.

If the deceased was not a member of the Scheme, please also contact Ronnie King who will be able to arrange a non-member funeral.

For more information — please contact Phil Stone, our Volunteer Burial Officer, on 01923 537 226.

Ronnie King — 020 8368 7453 or 07595 956 936